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Everything you need in a credit model and analysis solution.
Per user pricing. Plans include unlimited number of credit reviews.
Fundamental credit analysis and reporting
Everything in Starter, along with:
Industry Risk Assessment
Business Longevity Assessment
Peer Competition Assessment
Financial Risk Assessment
Liquidity Assessment
Probability of Default
Expected Credit Loss
Credit Rating Report
Risk Appetite Approval Threshold
Automated Decisioning
Onboarding & Implementation
Credit rating, analysis, and reporting to cover all your needs
Everything in Standard, along with:
Multi Risk Appetite Thresholds
Automated Decisioning
Credit Review Commentary
Industry Financial Ratio Benchmarks
Submissions & Approvals
Unlimited Approver Roles
Data Export
Mobile Access
Can you customize risk thresholds to align with our internal risk policies or specific industries?Yes. We understand that every business has distinct risk policies and industry dynamics. Our platform allows you to configure risk thresholds, ensuring alignment with your internal policies.
What types of risks does your model assess?Our framework follows the fundamental truths of counterparty credit risk - Counterparty's operating.... In higher risk industries With fewer years in business With lower revenue and margins versus industry peers With higher levels of leverage versus industry peers With minimal liquidity ...carry a higher probability of default. As such, our model assess the following counterparty credit risks: Industry Risk Business Longevity Peer Competition Financial Risk Liquidity
What industries do you specialize in, and how robust is your benchmarking data?CreditKernel provides benchmarking analysis for 68 industries. Each industry has a minimum of 10 peer counterparties.
What data inputs are required?Users enter the counterparty's Standard Industry Classification (SIC) Code and spread a minimum of 11 financial statement line items.
What is the average turnaround time for generating credit scores and reports?According to McKinsey & Company, a standard credit review takes 4 hours of an analysts time. Pain points include inputting financial statements, gathering industry and benchmark data, interpreting credit risk, preparing credit reviews, and aligning on risk appetite. More complex reviews can take up to 12 hours. Our standard credit reviews take less than 15 minutes.
Is there a free trial period?Yes, we offer and welcome a free trial period. Let’s setup a quick call to ensure you get the most out of CreditKernel. Typically, after 5-10 credit reviews teams understand the solution.
What level of training or support do you offer for onboarding and ongoing use?Onboarding is typically less than 5 days. Our team is here for you before, during, and after implementation. The platform does not require IT support nor do we assign a Project Team or Subject Matter Experts. For ongoing support, users have access to our “Credit in 5” videos. Each video is less than 5 minutes to cover topics such as rating model methodology, workflow, and each of the five credit assessment categories.
How secure is our data?All data stored is encrypted at rest and in transit, following industry best practices. All data disks are encrypted at rest using Azure Storage Encryption, which uses server-side encryption to protect your data. Data in Azure managed disks is encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption. Data in transit is encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3. This is to ensure privacy, authentication, and data integrity.
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